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This webinar will cover and update you about Hyper-V and VMWare integrations from a technical point of view.
Data Protector Tips and Tricks Virtual environment integration update
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Join us for a session on release features of iPrint 3.2.Learn about the exciting features we have in store- Windows Printer Migration: How easy it is to enable Windows printers for Mobile with a simple migration- BlackBerry Dynamics MDM marketplace: See how iPrint is expanding its MDM capabilities with GOOD MDM.- Proxy support: iPrint Mobile app will now play well with Forward and Reverse proxy.- Direct PDF Printing: Bypass renderer with Printers supporting PDF printing.This session will also cover on what's being planned for the upcoming releases of iPrint Appliance and iPrint for OES.
Sneak Peek on what's new in iPrint 3.2
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Join this webinar to discover how inMailX empowers Content Manager users with an intuitive and user-friendly interface for managing their emails, and enables users to access and work with Content Manager from their familiar Microsoft Outlook interface
Empower Content Manager Users with inMailX to Improve Compliance and Productivity
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If a university student can do it, certainly you can too. Join us to hear how.
Modernizing Code Older Than You Are One Student's Journey
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For more than 30 years, Data Protector has provided comprehensive and reliable data protection across physical, virtual, and most recently, cloud infrastructures. In this session, our pre-sales consultants show you the different ways to collect debugs to streamline communications with the support team in case of an incident. We show you how these files are generated, why these reports are necessary, where they are created, and more. We also offer you an extremely practical vision aimed at back-up administrators who need to understand the best way to work in these kind of situations.
Data Protector Tips and Tricks Learning About Debugs
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This webinar will give you the latest information in Retain Unified Archiving. This webinar will discuss why you should archive your email, social, and mobile communication, the regulations regarding archiving, how to manage your data through archiving, and how to ensure complete eDiscovery.
What's New in Retain Unified Archiving
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New releases of Host Access for the Cloud and Host Access Management and Security Server are coming, join to see the changes being made.
Upcoming architectural changes - Host Access for the Cloud, RWeb and MSS
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